This initiative seeks to evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed non-contact based biometric system in real world conditions subject to diverse ethnicities and environmental constraints. Camera photo-plethysmography (PPG) is an optic based plethysmography method, which measures the variation in reflection intensity of pixels covering the vascular regions with the help of a video camera placed at a suitable distance from a human subject. The absorption of light by blood varies with blood volume which is affected by the pulse rate of the body. By measuring cyclic pixel intensity variations, it is possible to determine the pulse rate of a human subject along with other body vitals. Non-contact methods as such benefit the health care domain by allowing remote diagnosis and monitoring of patient vitals without the need for any additional equipment, besides a camera enabled smartphone device. In addition to direct physician-patient benefit,a cloud connected healthcare solution as such could enable the observation of an epidemic and help in the planning of an interventions. The non-contact vital signs monitoring system makes use of off the shelf smartphone/tablet cameras and webcams to capture the video of clinical subjects exposing their face and situated at multiple distances from the camera via an android/iOS application. The video will be utilized by the application to estimate the vitals of interest. The application will be an easy to use interface with minimal user input. The ability to capture multiple vitals given video frames allow the study to verify the reliability and robustness of the technology in real-life conditions which feature erratic illumination and subject motion conditions.